
Pragmatic consulting services for capability mapping and business architecture.

LewuGroups business architecture consulting services are action oriented, results-driven, and business-centric.

Action Oriented

LewuGroups consulting services believes that business architecture should not be an ivory-tower discipline that is delinked from execution and focused on boiling the ocean. Instead, LewuGroups business architecture consultants adhere to principle of agility and focus on achieving accelerated time-to-value.


One of the frustrations of corporate leaders is that business architecture, despite its time-worn promises, tends to be deliverable-driven. LewuGroups focus is on outcomes, particularly with regards to leapfrogging from a staid current state to a dynamic future state. The proven techniques and deliverables act as catalysts for enterprise transformation.

Business Centric

Many so-called business architecture consultants tend to be IT centric and oftentimes make business architecture a subset of IT architecture. Business architecture must be owned and driven by business and as a cross functional effort, IT participation is essential.  Lewu Groups business architecture consultants believe that business architecture must be done “with” business, not “for” business.

Lewu Groups business architecture consulting focuses on a holistic approach to business architecture, with business capability mapping as the foundational building block. In addition, value streams and processes represent the activity flow, and the applications/systems represent how capabilities and underlying processes are realized. In addition, structure and roles bring in the people dimension, and data completes the puzzle.

Lewu Groups consultants possess deep industry expertise and business architecture and capability mapping skill set, which combined with the Lewu Groups framework and supported by our business architecture software, delivers efficient solutions and effective results

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